Monday, February 18, 2008

Many ways by which Yoga humbles you

… If you are a little (or more than a little) overweight, I bet one of your least favorite poses is Shoulderstand. There is nothing more humbling and ego-quenching, like the sight of your belly rolling towards your face, and just hanging there. Add to that the impossibility to turn your head and avert your gaze. Some people say that shoulderstand helps to loose weight through the activation of thyroid gland. Maybe, but I have the feeling that the humiliation of your belly hang is the best motivation here.

….If you want to strengthen your mula bandha – change your diet. Include lots of legumes, fresh fruit and vegetables. If you need an extra help – substitute your sugar to xylitol. Your mula bandha will be stellar; you just will not have a choice but to hold it for your dear life. Or be forced to change studios every week. And do not trust the likes of BEANO or X-gas, they just do not work.

… If you get a carpet burn on your face or anywhere else, it should better be from a night of wild passion. Not from the effort TWO instructors exert, trying to fold you into supta kurmasana.

And, at last, note to self – do not forget to blow your nose BEFORE demonstrating Kapalabhati pranayama in class.


Ursula said...

Well observed, made me laugh.

I'm rather thin, but when I do shoulderstand I can see each and every gr that is too much. But I'm sure in that pose even no belly looks like a belly. The pose is so.

PSSST - a secret, you can get used to your belly.

Have fun.


Tiffany said...

Ohh gosh, I totally can relate to this post - with my huge history with eating issues, shoulderstand and supta k used to make me so upset because of my stomach. My belly seems to have gone away that's good news right?


Rebirth2017 said...

Hmmmm...I was just thinking all this during practice today! I try to stare at my chest and avoid looking at my belly! LOL!

Yogamum said...

So funny and true. Shoulderstand has a way of bringing to light any belly denial I might have had.


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