Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dwi pada ups and downs

I bound in dwi pada on my own for the first time on Sunday. Supta Kurmasana felt like heaven after that - I thought I could bind my wrist for some reason, but alas, it was just adrenaline talking. I was so excited that I let practically everyone around me know what happened. Like, "Did you see? I did it!" Crazy, I know.
My neck did not share my happiness next day, though. Good thing is was a moon day, so it had a chance to recover. Mostly muscle tension from overworking, no structural damage (I hope!) Today the leg bind in dwi pada did not happen, even though I tried my darndest. Oh, well, it happened once, it will happen again. Aliya believes in me, and who am I to argue? :)

Work keeps me very busy lately; interferes a lot with my ability to visit the blogs. In additon, there have been a lot of subbing lately, not sure why. I feel conflicted - crave free time, but when I get it, I immediately start sabotaging it. Would be good to analyze it, but there is no time. Besides, there is one thought dominates in my head - Will I bind tomorrow in dwi pada or not? :D


crankyhausfrau said...

you are thinking too much about getting your right foot behind the left foot. think about getting the right knee behind the right shoulder.. and i believe in you, too, so there! :)

Kaivalya said...

That's awesome, Alfia! Congrats :-) It's so much fun to finally get something that seemed unattainable before.

I can't even imagine Supta K feeling like heaven, though ;-)

rayna said...

hooray!! and yes, i feel like SK is one of those off-on postures for a while, but eventually, it will happen every day, to the point that the practice will give you something else to fixate on. ;-)

way to go, and i believe in you too!!! <3

Arturo said...

hi Alfia
yay, congratulations. i'll share the same joy when it happens to me. my stubborn leg in this pose is the opposite one to yours. wow, Tova's advice is fantastic for this asana. will keep that in mind.

Grimmly said...

Yay, one of the big ones, congratulations

alfia said...

Thank you, friends! It did feel unattainable for a long time. Good to have some indicators that the practice moves forward after all. :)


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