Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kapotasana is looming over me.

I took a break yesterday, sleeping in and taking it easy the whole day. My bone-deep exhaustion the day before rendered me useless both at work and home. Today I felt vastly better, came to practice and plopped my mat right in front of David. Normally I kind of hide in the dark corners of the room, but this morning I felt perky. This perkiness was rewarded with 2 new poses - Ustrasana and Lagu Vajrasana. Now, I vaguely remember there was time in my life when I was craving new poses and was moaning and groaning about not getting them all the time. Now, when I feel old and tired, when my practice is so long that it zaps the energy from my body for the rest of the day, it seems that I am getting them practically every day. I guess this is the secret to getting new poses - you need not to want them!
Lagu vajrasana kicked my butt. I did try it at home before and used it as a tool to strengthen the necessary muscles for coming up from UD; but I never managed to bring my head completely to the floor. With David, however, there is just no middle ground, need to bring head down no matter what. Sure way of getting the quads of steel, I guess. On the bright side, there is no way I am getting to Kapotasana any time soon, since there is a long way for me to work on LV. Whoo-hoo!


Arturo said...

hi Alfia
congratulations! Bamboo Knight's adjustment in Laghu Vajrasana is that he sits on the floor and puts his feet on my knees. that is enough counterbalance for me to be able to come back without effort. i can do the pose unassisted, but appreciate his adjust.

i wonder if not wanting to get hands to toes in kapotasana would actually make me achieve it, a la Joy Suzanne.

word verif ornion.

alfia said...

Hi, Arturo:

That sounds like an interesting adjust. I lowered my head down to the floor today, but was unable to come up. The quads on top of my knees are still on fire from the effort. This is one tough pose, attempting it made me see other people who can do it with new appreciation. :)

You will achieve kapotasana soon, Arturo, I have no doubts whatsoever.

rayna said...

yay! that is so awesome!! \(^_^)/

alfia said...

Thank you, Rayna! I am ambivalent a little - excited, yes; but also so tired. Need a vacation.

Anonymous said...

When I first got those poses I could barely walk for many weeks! I think kapotasana will be easy for you when you get there. No need to fret:)

alfia said...

Hi, Tova:

Thank you, you made me feel better. I do not think kapotasana is going to be easy for me because A) I tried it and so far it ain't easy and B) the hovering part, the one that requires the same strength as lagu vajrasana, is sooo very difficult for my aging carcass...

crankyhausfrau said...

lol! Alfia, once you get the strength for LV, you have the flexibility for kapo. i find it to be much easier, strengthwise.


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