Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dropback challenge

Grimmly's post about Iyengar, comments about Patricia Walden and dropbacks prompted me to try dropbacks instead of whole practice today. I know, Saturday and a moon day, bad. An it did go not as well as I hoped for. After a warm up and some backbending preps I managed just 6 dropbacks in a row and then completely pooped out. I do not even have a video evidence of this, because my camera turned on its own (in total disgust, I think) and recorded only arms and a strained red face. But I do have a couple of clips of the backbend preps.
The first one - the dangers of home practice to our pets:

On the second - I can see that practicing kapotasana increased the flexibility of my hips, which improved my UD a little:

So this is today and two years ago:
The difference is really microscopic and mostly in the hips (knees are a little straighter), but oh well, I'll take it. Maybe upper back, too?

It is snowing out here. I hope this is the last of winter we see this season.
Happy weekend!


Liz said...

Alfia, the cat video is priceless. Henry would have clawed my butt if I had landed on him, though! (he loves to get under a backbend- plopped down right under Mike when I was helping him with drop backs the other day).

Your back bend DOES look much improved- so much more lift in the hips!

alfia said...

Oh, thank you, Liz! There should be some progress, however compounded by the aging process, right?

My cat was completely unfazed. She must be completely accustomed to me falling, stepping or sitting on her. The only time she gets mad is when I try to scratch her belly, I think she is ticklish there. :)

Grimmly said...

i think I might join you in this Alfia. i take Sunday as my day off rather than Saturday so will have a little light backbending practice tomorrow. 12-20 were they saying. Think i'll try for twelve and call it quits. Be nice to get that rhythm going that iyengar has (one day).
Nice UD by the way looks very clean.

Kaivalya said...

Beautiful backbend! The change I notice is the the 'bend' is more in the upper back now, allowing more openess in the lumbar. It looks very comfortable!

Thanks for posting the video with the ball. I just reinflated my Ball-of-Pain today and I may try that - looks like it opens the hips as well as the back.

I'm determined to get drop-backs happening this year! Without bonking my head! :-D

lew said...

Your backbend is so soft and easy-looking! Beautiful. I see a lot more opening in the upper back - you've got the candy cane going on. Movements all look nice and fluid too.

Your cat is very cool about being a landing pad! My cat stays out of my way, but I have nearly landed on the dog a few times. Luckily she's very good natured!

alfia said...

Grimmly, it was fun! Though short, I would call it light, though. I find backbending very strenuous. Can't wait to see your progress here. Have no doubt that you will look like Iyengar in no time at all!

alfia said...

Thank you, Kai! I looked closer and you are right, there is a change in upper back. Woo-hoo! :)

Good luck with drop-back! It is a big step, it brings a lot of satisfaction when accomplished. You can do it!

alfia said...

Hi, Lew! Thank you for your kind words. My backbend might look easy, but it is not easy for me at all.

Good natured dog is good! I saw an ad for a yoga class with pets. My cats would not go for it, but a dog could be a great yoga partner! :)

Grimmly said...

... and in turn you inspired me to give the 12-20 challenge a go too. Mine turned out much better than expected, you should give it another try, really really nice if you manage to get a rhythm going.

alfia said...


I might have wimped out too early...

Anonymous said...

Wow! In that second vid, you take a HUUUUUUUGE walk in, and pop up with apparent ease--well done!

Inspiring stuff, difficult or no :)

alfia said...

Thank you so much, Patrick! I am not a natural backbender, so it is very nice to hear that all that hard work pays off! :)

Arturo said...

hi Alfia
i can't watch the video at the moment (slow connection) but the apartment looks beautiful. haha. i bet you weren't expecting a comment on the surroundings.

the UD in the hallway from 2 years ago is a beautiful photo. your current UD looks just as graceful.


Arturo said...

got thru to the videos this morning. nice.

alfia said...

Hi, Arturo:

Thank you! You should come and visit us. We could use your architectural advice on decorating. I am missing housekeeping genes, I think.


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