Monday, February 23, 2009

Assisted dropbacks and Dwi Pada

So it was not too bad. David was supportive and he did not take away any of the poses. Of course, being David he could not just let me have it and made it as difficult as he could. His assistance in lifting me up from UD consisted of pressing two fingers into my collarbones. Nevertheless, it was better than nothing, and my back was not screaming. Which kind of tells me how little of extra energy I need to stand up safely. Where to access it, that is the question.
He also allowed me to get into Supta Kurmasana via Dwi Pada, which is exciting. Normally he frowns upon this travesty, saying that Dwi pada is an advanced pose and we have no business attempting it. And I am so close to being able to do it myself! My right heel touches the toes of the left foot when I try to throw the right leg back. Need to practice it at home.

Have a great day, everyone!


crankyhausfrau said...

i don't think David is interested in punishing people. the poses you have can only help strengthen what you need to stand up.

alfia said...

I did not mean he would punish me. But he is a stickler to the rules and the ability to stand up was a gateway to the second for him. So I was worried...

Rebirth2017 said...

Okay Dwi Pada?? I am jealous. My left hamstring refuses to let me access that pose :( You GO girl!


Liz said...

Hi Alfia,
Sorry about your back... it's always disheartening to be held back by an injury! I think your choice to tone it down will pay off so much in the long run. There's a huge difference between not being able to do a pose because you haven't learned it yet (or gained enough strength/flexibility/etc) and having to stop it for awhile to heal! Of course your teacher didn't take poses away!

Hope you find strength in many other ways!

alfia said...

Thank you, Aby! Actually, legs behind the head are kind of easy for me. Which does not make Supta Kurmasana easy for some reason.

Hi, Liz:

I hear you. You are right about that difference between unlearned poses and "temporarily suspended" ones. I should stop whining! :) Thank you!


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