Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year's present; undeserved, but joyful.

The first Mysore practice of the year - and the miracle happened. I got krounchasana! Happy.
The miracle did not extend to the backbends, though. Could not stand up from UD for the life of me. No matter, there is always tomorrow. But I am getting a new pose in average once in 6 months, so there is a reason to celebrate! :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on Krounchasana Alfia. A good start to the year.

crankyhausfrau said...

hurray! did you try the changes in backbend? did it feel any different?

Anonymous said...

Hey, congrats!! How fun! I like that pose - it always feels elegant, even if I'm crunchy that day.

susananda said...

Congratulations! I love krounchasana. It really sorts my ankles out after pasasana :)

Word veri: unreade

alfia said...

Thank you, guys! I am still slightly delirious. David does not spoil us; so when we get a pose, it is such a big deal!

Tova, it is the darndest thing with my backbend. I had a hard time this morning, right? Every time I tried to lift up, there was a sharp pain in my lower back. Well, not huge pain, but sharp nevetheless. I just came back from the class I was teaching. There I was helping someone to stand up, and tried to explain the mechanics. He said: Just show me! I thought: Oh-oh. But to save the face, I went to my mat, dropped back and lifted up totally effortlessly, without a hint of unpleasant sensation. I do not have an explanation. I was less tired, but come on, the difference in the quality of the lift up was tremendous. Me confused...

crankyhausfrau said...

i figure there are two choices as to why it did not hurt. what came to my mind first was because in the afternoon you weren't at the end of your practice you were a bit stronger and able to lift and support the back better. my other thought is that even though you came to the backbend in the afternoon not as warmed up, you make have been more flexible just by virtue of having practiced already and it being the afternoon?
it is very weird.

alfia said...

I was warm, beacuse I did sun salutations with the students and then demoed a lot; but I definitely was not as tired like I was in the end of the practice (nice nap in the afternoon). I guess the first explanation fits better. I do agree, this is most weird. I wonder if there is a pwychological component involved?

Liz said...

Great start for the new year! It's nice to have that pose come after Pashasana, isn't it? Congrats!
I like how Anna described it as elegant- it's definitely a powerful looking pose, like a dancer.

Arturo said...

congratulations, Alfia.
word verif: "restsonn"

you can rest some

Arturo said...

hi Alfia, check out how much this guy holds his mulabanda to get krounchasana right. he's an anusaran, but we'll allow that. hehe.

crankyhausfrau said...

dude needs to keep his heels down in backbend, yo.

Arturo said...

oh yes, Tova, I noticed that.

alfia said...

I just checked the reference out. Heels or no heels, still interesting. Thank you, Arturo!


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