Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The stress of the holiday season.

Too many dinner parties, shopping is not done yet, projects at work needed to be done before Christmas. Boxes are still unpacked. It is so nice without that extra-stuff though. I actually considered just dumping them into the trash. But then I remembered all my yoga books and relented.
My son is visiting for a week. Feels good to have the family together again. We watched the "Dark knight" together yesterday on DVD.
Skipped practice yesterday due to the ladies holiday, but had a good practice today. Has anybody noticed that the body becomes extra-flexible during this time? I have to be careful and hold back a little to avoid an injury.


Boodiba said...

I tend to be a little stiffer & weaker during PMS, probably because I'm generally crazed, and then I return to normal once it commences.

alfia said...

Really? I am not sure about PMS, but during the holiday I feel like I do not have any connective tissue at all. Like one giant rubber band.

Boodiba said...

Oh! I completely misread that. Thought you were talking PMS vs actual holiday.

I was just exhausted this morning. Got no sleep really, which negated the extra rest of Sunday night. I DO find that sometimes my mind shuts off in that condition and inner resistance diminishes.

Arturo said...

hi Alfia
i'm sure there are homeless people who would take your boxes from you, after you're retrieved the yoga books. hehe.

i've been a little stiffer from 3 pounds i've gained in the last two months. seems i'm not walking as much or bicycling as I used to. makes marichyasana D difficult.


word verif: unsup
(i have to superate this)

Boodiba said...

Just say no to scales! They are evil.

Arturo said...

Hi Alfia
Happy Holidays to you and your family!


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