Monday, September 15, 2008


Nairam tagged me for a meme:

3 joys:

1) Seeing a really good movie. I love movies, all kinds - chick flicks, adventure, sci-fi, fantasy, comedy. Not horror, though.
2) Talking to my son
3) Spending time with my husband

3 fears:

1) Growing old, feeble minded and physically incapacitated
2) Something bad happening to my loved ones
3) Some global catastrophe with no possibility of escape

3 obsessions:

1) books (own too many already, no time to read, but must have them…)
2) yoga
3) electronic gadgets

3 surprising facts:.

1) When I was small, I was a pathological liar. I lied to so many people about so many things that at one point the stress of it became unbearable. So at the ripe age of 9 I decided to stop lying and gave myself a promise to be as truthful as humanly possible. And I keep it even now. Not being entangled in a web of lies makes life simple.

2) I wanted to be a journalist and used to write well. OK, you can stop laughing now. First of all, it was a looong time ago, second – I am much more eloquent in Russian!

3) I think I am not afraid to die. At least not too much. Once my friends and I crossed a small river to find a secluded spot for nude sunbathing (we were so stupid then!). It was a nice morning, and the river was more like a little creek. In the afternoon, when we decide to return home, we discovered that this little trickle of water became a wild brown stream, carrying branches and even little trees along. Apparently, this river was fed by the glaciers in the mountains, and after a very hot day and small rain it became impassable. In addition to the increased width and depth, it was so noisy; nobody could hear us from the road. As I mentioned, we were young and stupid, and decided to cross it anyway, using a fallen tree that was half submerged under the moving water. All my friends passed it safely (not without screaming) and I was the last one to go. As I was moving along the tree, the something hit my legs (it might have been a stone rolling on the bottom, I am not sure) and I lost balance completely. I was able to catch a thin branch of the tree and was flailing like a rug in the water. I looked up and could see that the branch I was holding was slowly detaching from the trunk under my weight. At this moment I kind of decided that I was going to die. And did not get upset, or scared or anything like that. I just accepted the death as a reality and was absolutely at peace. Then I grieved for a moment for my parents, but that passed very fast, too. Any way, the tree turned around because I was pulling at it and a brand new branch became available for me to grab. I am still alive, but I remember that peace and calm at the moment of mortal danger. I hope I will feel the same when the time comes!

In other news – I love yoga! This Saturday I had a migraine attack, slept poorly and woke up on Sunday not only with a mother of all headaches, but also a crick in my neck, which extended to the shoulder blade. Briefly considered not going to shala. But since we agreed to go to have breakfast with Anna and Tova before, so I decided to go anyway. Sun Salutations were horrible – I felt like barfing every time my head was down, but that passed soon. All things considered, it was a decent practice, though I could not do my backbends because of the pain in the shoulder. We had a very lovely breakfast with the girls afterward, and I felt much better. By the time of the class I was supposed to teach, I was fresh and pain-free, like a newborn. Yoga rules!


Anonymous said...

What a fun meme!

Alfia, I'm glad you're feeling better! And it was so wonderful to have the time to sit and have breakfast. You are terrific and I look forward to spending more time with you in either DC or NYC! : )

alfia said...

Hi, Anna:

If it weren't for you and Tova, I would be still lying in bed with a shoulder pain and migraine. I know how to cure them now.
I so enjoyed our breakfast! You should come here more often. You are the best lioness in the world!
(actually, you remind me more of chita for some reason)

Anonymous said...

Ha, I loved the story about the little liar!!! :) I'm amazed at your self-awareness and discipline to just change yourself at that young age! :)

Arturo said...

hi Alfia
it's interesting to know all of those things about you. i meditated a lot next to my father at his hospital bed this week. it was peaceful. he's still alive. he certainly would have been ready to leave this earth. i had to chant sutras, though, to calm my mind initially, since emotions play a part.

ashtanga en cevennes said...

What very cool responses, Alfia! I loved reading this. I almost drowned once, and I felt kind of resolved about it, too. My only thoughts were extremely mundane: I'm such an idiot for wearing mascara to the beach, I'm going to look like a freak if anyone finds me. Oops, there goes my bikini top... etc.

I'm on borrowed internet again, checking the yoga blogs. I miss you guys!

alfia said...

Joy Suzanne!!! We miss you so much! Come back soon. Mwah!


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