Thursday, June 26, 2008

Practicing patience and yoga nidra

My shoulder blade was very unhappy all day long yesterday and at night too, so I decided to baby it a little and skip the practice today. Though the suspense is killing me! Can I lift up again or not? Can I do it from a static UD? But the quality of my sleep was so poor because of the stabbing pain every turn would bring that I think it was prudent for me to wait a little.
Speaking of sleep. I have a 45 minute Yoga Nidra program on my Ipod that sounds very interesting. From the bits and pieces I caught, they go into deep relaxation and then do weird things, like induce a feeling of cold in the left foot or some such. I am very curious. I tried it five times already and I fall promptly to sleep at the point when the rotation of the consciousness reaches the right elbow. I have a supreme awareness now of all the fingers of my right hand, palm, wrist and the elbow. The rest of the body - not so much. I tried it mostly before bed because it is the only time I have, but obviously it does not work for me. Hopefully, on the weekend I can find time when I am not sleepy and finish the rest of 43 minutes of it.
Peace and happiness!


Boodiba said...

I probably should've stayed in bed today.

Maybe you should try to get some acupuncture over the weekend for that shoulder? Sometimes even one treatment helps.

alfia said...

Acupuncutre might be a good idea. Let's see if I can find one. Nobody could recommend me one when I had a rib issue. I will google them.
Thank you, Linda!

Boodiba said...

It seems to help me way more than chiropracting & is less expensive too. THAT is a good consideration as I'm going to be forking out probably 3g this weekend and maybe billing only 20/24 hours a week the next couple months.

alfia said...

Linda, I just made an appointment and for the first visit (2 h) the fee is $185, for the following visits $95 (1 hour). Does it sound similar to what you pay?

Boodiba said...

That's a little high, but I go to a no frills neighborhood place. I looked at the lady's credentials & she was educated in China and again at a big school in the US that I'd heard of.

I buy five sessions at a time for $350 and she never charged a higher consultation. BUT she doesn't pin me up on one side, unpin & flip me & pin me up on the other side. This one acupuncturist I saw a long time ago worked that way. I just get pinned up & then rest that way for 30/40m.

alfia said...

Thank you, Linda! This is good to know. :)

Boodiba said...

You're welcome. You may well get a more thorough treatment. Please blog about it so we can compare notes!

alfia said...

Absolutely! My first appt is this Saturday.

Boodiba said...

I've got my last from the latest "batch" Friday night. I really didn't even need that many though.

Arturo said...

Hi Alfia
Hope your neck and shoulder areas feel better. It sounds like the tape has the effect of meditation - bringing out the alpha waves, which relaxes you in preparation for sleep.

Did I get it right that you dropped to the floor back by yourself? Great.

alfia said...

Hi, Arturo:

Thank you, I really hope an acupuncturist will help my this Saturday.

I lifted up! From UD!!! Turns out it is much easier to do after a dropback, because there is some remaining momentum left. I am so excited! :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon. And do not worry, I'm sure you'll be able to do it again!! You *did* it, already ;D

Arturo said...

Hi Alfia
Wow. How exciting about coming back to standing from UD after dropping back. It makes sense that it's possible then because you have momentum. This makes me want to dedicate one practice to do what Boodi does, just work on one pose. So I would like to dedicate one practice just to dropping back. I used to see a guy I called Ralph Bender sometimes just do backbending practice in the shala. And he was quite flexible with the dropbacks. But I digress. Hmm. Maybe tomorrow's practice will be dedicated to dropping back. Really, it's been on my mind.

eeyore said...

hi alfia, hope your shoulder is better!

alfia said...

Hi, Nairam! Thank you, you are right! I did it once, no reason to think it woun't happen again, right?

Arturo - good luck with the dropbacks! I wish I could do a practice dedicated to dropbacks - my shoulderblade does not allow it to my yet. But the day will come!

Morning, Eeyore! Thank you, you are a sweetheart. I am taking it easy today and tomorrow, so hopefully by Sunday I will be fresh as a cucumber. :D

ashtanga en cevennes said...

Hi Alfia, I'm interested to hear how you like the acupuncture.

Have a great Friday...


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