Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday - good time to start new life

Thank you, Annabella! I think you pazzled my practice today, it was quite amazing. I am actually contemplating now taking a vacation from Mysore once in six months or so. Not two weeks, of course, but a week of no yoga at all.
I felt flexible, strong and energetic. All my accumulated pains and aches - gone (well, the I can still feel the rib, but it does not count). I am particularly happy with my knees; there was always some discomfort in Marich D, which prevented me from deep twisting. They feel fine now! I can actually start working on the wrist binding in this pose. Yay! Stood up three times from the bench in UD, symmetrically, with both hands (I was developing a one-handed technique lately, which irked David). In Supta Kurmasana I touched my fingers by myself, which is new. I am so excited about my today's practice, I can barely sit on the chair now. New plans of crim activity are swirling in my head. Probably a meditation is needed to calm myself.
Happy Monday, everyone!


ashtanga en cevennes said...

Woohoo Alfia! What is this bench of which you speak? Maybe that's something I could try, too...

Aren't those practices where the body is cooperating, being strong, not complaining the BEST EVER?

alfia said...

Hi, Joy Suzanne!
It is a little bench in our studio which we use mainly for this purpose - to learch how to stand up from UD. It is only 3-4 inches off the floor, so I do not understand fully why it makes such a dramatic difference? Very puzzling.

Oh, I agree about good practice days. They are the reason we do not give up, right?

Boodiba said...

I think it's good to vary your approach and once in awhile have "light weeks" or moments of pure rest. The last time I went to India I did hardly any Astanga the last month. Just Venkatesh back bending in the afternoons and some self practices once in awhile during the days so I could make sure I wasn't losing strength. Worked out just fine for my Astanga practice too.

alfia said...

Pure rest seems to be the way to go, at least for me. But not too often, something like a planned vacation, twice a year. It felt today I could do anything! Which does not mean, of course that I will feel the same tomorrow.
I think my manic euphoria is subsiding. I should become a more normal person soon.

Boodiba said...

There's some soreness that comes along with regular working, ya... But you are on the mend and that's what's important.

I have to do some work today, but I think I won't start til 1:30. Just three hours. That's it.

I think I should lay on the bed & listen to Madonna...

Anonymous said...

Yay! I love it when I cast a magic spell and it works!

Sometimes my magic gets all confused and does bizarre things.

And sometimes, breaks are good. Good for the body, we come back and feel things in a different way, but also, to appreciate the practice when you've been away for a few days.

Hope the good feelings continue! xox

Arturo said...

Hi Alfia
Congratulations on your practice. Glad to hear you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alfia,

After going back on your posts, let me tell you that I'm really impressed (and inspired) by you. Being so advanced, you give me a context of what to expect, that good days and bad days are still going to be part of the game (why should this be a surprise to me, beats me) and that the important thing is to keep (addictevely ;P) with it.

I am really glad you are feeling better after having been in so much pain :) thanks to wisely taken yoga hiatus to recover.

PS Those Karen photos are truly awesome.

alfia said...

Yay! Somebody thinks I am advanced! Thank you, Nairam, you just made my day. :)


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