Friday, May 23, 2008

Let us all survive till tomorrow

Boy, oh boy. I was not entirely alive this morning at practice. I made it there just because I knew that Aliya was teaching and I did not want to miss his last class before he goes to India. But goodness, I felt bad!
First of all - I did not get enough sleep. I had to sub a class yesterday from 8 to 9:30, came home at 10, was too wired up to fall asleep before 11. Slept poorly, and got a pain in my right shoulder blade in the morning. I was hoping yoga will make it go away, but no, no such luck. Rolling in lotus was excruciating. Every chaturanga was painful. Going down from setu bandhasana - ouch! Coming up into a headstand and holding utplutih -same. Overall, I decided to be proud of myself practicing in the face of adversity. Unless I get crippled by the end of the day, then I will be mad at myself for being stupid. I guess I will not be indifferent to my own persona in any case. :)
Tomorrow morining I sub two Pilates classes, then need to do grocery shopping. In the afternoon Karen and I have a photosession. I am so excited! She is such a lovely person and an amazing yogini. I hope I will be able to do her justice with my amateurish photography. Well, but first we need to make it to tomorrow, don't we? I am going to start working on that.
Happy Friday!


Anonymous said...

but you made it!! (^_^) and looked fantastic i should add (even if you didn't feel that way). oh, have fun photographing karen - i bet it'll be amazing! see you monday; enjoy the sunshine!

alfia said...

Thank you, Rayna! I was sitting at my desk and slightly whimpering. But you made me feel better! :)
I will miss you this summer.

Anonymous said...

i will miss you too! please let me know if there is anything at all that i can bring back for you. (^_^)

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to be convinced that sometimes the practices that feel lousy physically are there to make us appreciate the ones that feel sleek and wonderful.

You made it to the mat... that is the important thing

Happy Friday!

alfia said...

Oh, thank you, Rayna! I will think about it ;)

Hi, Anna! I like your way of thinking. It is true, we get much more good practices than the lousy ones (otherwise we would not practice, right?), it is easy to forget being grateful. Yay for lousy practices! :D

ashtanga en cevennes said...

I'm trying to be grateful for all my practices, especially my weak and cruddy ones. Yesterday my hamstrings were on strike, and I tried to feel affectionately toward them anyway. ;)

Will you be posting some of your pics?

Arturo said...

Hi Alfia
Oo, sorry about the right shoulder pain. I experience pain there also. It must be from trying to reach around to bind in poses. For some strange reason, three point headstand and pincha mayurasana help build strength to counteract pain there.


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