Thursday, March 6, 2008

Is it spring yet?

I did my practice home today. It is funny how I tend to cherry-pick the poses I really want to do and discard the ones I think are a waste of time (like dandasana, Marichi A, and B and some others). Doing practice at home does not really save me any time, but nevertheless it eases the anxiety of the constant feeling that I am late, late, always late. I wanted to have some of that peace, because it was shaping to be a very hectic day. Lots of work, then an optometrist’s appointment, and then a meeting with our lawyers. We are applying for a waiver from a 2-year physical presence requirement. This is one of those things that you know would not work, but you do them anyway, just for self-assurance that you did all you could.

But - the days are getting noticeably longer, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping. Life is good no matter what!


Boodiba said...

You don't like Marichy B?? I LOVE that pose :)

alfia said...

Marichi B seems too easy/nothing is stretching/nothing is releasing pose. Perhaps I am doing it incorrectly? On the other hand, me likes C and D much better...

Boodiba said...

I think it feels good to scrunch up into a ball w/ my heel in my gut. Weird like that.

I hardly ever do ANY primary though. I mean it's great if I'm well rested on a Friday to get up & do it. But last week I had such a shitty Thursday practice and was still tired the next day... I slept in. Made more sense for me to get rest & do a full throttle self practice on Saturday.

I'll try to make it to primary NEXT Friday... The only pose I don't like in the whole series is Setu Bandasana. If I keep my heels touching, I get a charlie horse in one calf, invariably.

alfia said...

I know what you mean about marichi B! I felt it in the beginnig, and then lost the feeling somehow.

Setu Bandhasana is very unpleasant to me, too. Skin on the top of the head is sensitive and hurts, neck is considering whether to snap and be done with it and BOTH calves are cramping. A true basket of joys, this pose. :)

Boodiba said...

Greg doesn't make me keep my heels together. He doesn't watch me like a hawk for minor transgressions, but Batman used to. So one Friday I was trying to keep heels together. Greg was assisting near by. I got the STRONGEST cramp & sort of sprang directly up & to the side. Like I was ejected off the floor. Was funny.

I went back to cheating on that pose.

alfia said...

Actually it is good to know that not keeping the heels together helps with the cramps. I was trying to everything "by the book" and suffered. Nobody watches me all that closely and I can cheat all I want. I will try next time.

Boodiba said...

Works for me. I never had a problem with cramping at all til the Bat got on my case about my heel placement. He was very much "regulation practice guy".

rayna said...

mmm... we missed you at AYC today. :-(

alfia said...

I missed you too, guys. You keep me so motivated, I can't even express it. What will I do when you are off to India? :(


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