Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

My son is home, this makes me a very happy mom. But because of his arrival I missed my mysore yesterday; I also could not wake up in time for yoga today, which makes me a grumpy yogi. I am a little conflicted, as you see :).
I have not been to a movie theater for a long time; I want to take my son to see a movie or two on his break. Does anybody have a recommendation for me?

Happy Good Friday, everyone!

And let's send good vibes to Annabella, who has a surgery today.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vibes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vibes


Unknown said...

i know what you mean about missing practice!!! maybe you could sneak in a short practice later today? i don't have recommendations for a movie, but there's a great tea house in georgetown near the theater called "ching ching cha." (i couldn't take it seriously for a while because "ching ching" is a non-mentionable in japanese (it a crude way of saying "penis"). BUT. the tea is EXCELLENT and the atmosphere is wonderful. then you can walk down towards the water for a movie! (^_^) have fun!!

alfia said...

Good, morning, Rayna!
Thank you for the suggestion, it sounds great. Funny with the name, though! :D
I will have to do some practice today, otherwise I will continue feeling like I am 80. And I will do some cardio tomorrow and push-ups. Yep, that is the plan!
How come you skipped the moon day?

Boodiba said...

Happy family time!!

ching-ching means PENIS??? How funny. I'm going to try to remember that.

crankyhausfrau said...

that is hysterical about the penis!
haven't you heard that Sharath says that parenthood in 8th series, or something like that? yoga of parenthood, very much yoga practice!
have a great time with your boy!

alfia said...

Thank you, Tova! I am enjoying being a mom again. Feels like good old times! :)

Anonymous said...

Alfia! THANK YOU. So sweet.


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