Monday, March 24, 2008

Feeling old

It was not a good idea to sleep in this weekend. It was not like I slept too late, just till 7, but it was late compared to my regular 4:30 wake-up time. In addition, I napped both days. As a result, I did not sleep well this night. Woke up every hour or so, and then could not fall asleep again for what it seemed like forever. It was too cold, then too hot, then my cat snored, then I had disturbing dreams.

I do not handle the lack of sleep well. The practice was hard this morning. I labored through it pose by pose, and just could not wait till savasana. Stood up twice from UD from the bench, tried to do it from the floor and fell down with a loud thud; bruised my ego. Got a couple of excellent adjustments from Keith, though; one in Paschimottanasana and another in Marichi C. I was still glad I made it to shala this morning; but it was one of those practices when I feel my age, every year of it, particularly intensely.

Now I am inanely staring into the computer screen and mindlessly trying to compile some words together for my blog. And I need to work – only four days until the trip to San Franciscko; the poster is not ready, I am not ready. OK, I am starting NOW!

Happy Monday, everyone!


Boodiba said...

Egad! 7am is sleeping in???

I'm so happy I actually made it to practice (thanks to Laura).

How long in SF??? You need to watch that Southpark before you go :) Beware of people farting into wine glasses!

alfia said...

Well, 7 is 2.5 hours later than 4:30, right? Definitely sleeping in.
Four day in SF, with my Hubby. We are meeting Arturo there!
People farting into wine? Is it a SF thing? I feel ignorant. Gone to watch Southpark! :)

Boodiba said...

Ya it was the "my shit don't stink" syndrome... Ah I loved that episode.

For some reason, the difference between weekend & weekday rise time is... wait a minute it's NEVER ok for me either. That's why I like to blow off Mondays so much. Never mind.

crankyhausfrau said...

Alfia, i always tell my students if you don't fall over sometime you aren't working hard enough. better to try and fall then to play it safe all the time.
you made to stand-ups from the bench, that is what matters.

alfia said...

Hi, Tova!

I do not mind falling from any other pose, even headstand, but UD - this is scary. And ungraceful. But that is OK, I do not mind. I worked hard!
Thank you, Tova!

I want to stand up as effortlessly and gracefully as you do. I think I will add this line to my morning prayers :)


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