Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bad lady.

Practice was really good today. David showed me that I had wrong dristi's in a couple of the poses. When I got to Supta Kurmasana, David was busy elsewhere, so I had time to warm-up. And I discovered that I can keep my left leg behind my neck without holding it! Well, at least for several seconds. I did not have enough balance to throw my right leg on top of the left, but that is a beginning. So I have a little competition going on in my practice: which pose I will master first - supta kurmasana by myself or getting up from UD?
Yesterday home I tried Pincha Mayrasana. It was as hard as I remembered it. I can get to it at the wall and hold a balance without the wall for several seconds, but then my shoulders get tired really fast. Kapotasana is not happening yet. It was very exciting to try myself in the forbidden poses, I felt like a criminal. But, as I can tell, a life of crime definitely has its moments!


Anonymous said...

I am often a bad lady at home. Pinca mayurasana is my nemesis! We are not friends, that pose and me. Six months and it's not really changing and I don't like flipping it because it hurts my feet and makes a big noise.

Kapo will come with time. You can do it!

Boodiba said...

Pinca is a hard pose to find the balance in. I tried at home in 5m intervals of solid flipping. Took a long, long time.

I wonder if that backwards leap into headstand from Viparita is going to take as long. Sigh. Maybe.


alfia said...

Crime pays, you say. We'll see! :D

Here are the vibes from me, lets see if they help this time:


Have a nice evening!

Boodiba said...

Hey it just means you're a dedicated yoga student.

Anonymous said...

"generally" in our shala we follow the same kind of gatekeepers as in Mathew Sweeney's book... no 2nd until you can come up from backbends on your own... can't move on from Kapo until you can get your heels on your own... must do Dwi Pada on your own... must at least lower from Karanda for women, come back up for men (a sexist requirement if I've heard one!)... so on and so forth.

Yogadawg said...

A wink from a Yogi who wanders in a tenlytown shala every once and awhile...

Anonymous said...

of course, I should add that just because that's what is "generally" done doesn't make it right or wrong. Just information for your brain. :-D

Boodiba said...

Ya generalities don't always work. I'm a woman, and a small one, but I can lift my karanda. And I could do it within 2 weeks of getting the pose. I had strength. I needed to work on flexibility. Was Greg right in moving me into 2nd so I could work on flexibility? Absolutely.

alfia said...

Actually, it is really good to know what the rules are. Thank you! It removes the guesswork from the equation.

I am the opposite to boodiba, flexible but weak. But I still think I would benefit from the 2nd because of my deteriorated backbends. Nevertheless, I shall work on my standing up and not complain! :)

Hi, yogadawg!

Boodiba said...

I'm SUCH a fatalist, but I think fate sometimes draws us to the best teachers for us, at certain times, and it all becomes apparent later.

alfia said...

Totally! I noticed it so many times, and not only with teachers, but with friends, people, circumstances. Maybe I am a fatalist, too

Unknown said...

"generally" i think i will be stuck in pasasana FOREVER. so i cannot even dream of kapotasana or pinca... *sigh*

Arturo said...

hi Alfia
i think you'll probably get supta kurmasana before coming up to standing from UD. that last one is a long term project. but getting the feet behind the leg is not difficult. all of the janus sirsasana prepare you for that, because you're relaxing the S-I joint area, letting the tourquinenor major bone (the one that goes with the ball in the pelvic socket) relax and open up. think of getting the feet open out and wide and that might help for SK. Also, if you're doing crim practices at home, you can do preparations for eka pada from swenson's book - they help open the hips. except that you have to know that the preparation there of putting the leg behind the shoulder, pointing upwards, is a stretch for the hamstring, not a leg behind the head preparation. the leg behind the head preparation is always pushing the leg way out and relaxing the tourquitenor area.
wuff! i need to shut up.

Dharmaparma said...

Hey hey well done :-)plus tut tut tut in equal measure

alfia said...

Arturo, for some reason eka pada is not considered crim in our shala. One of our teacher actually suggested it to me as a way to get to supta kurmasana by myself. That is waht I am working on right now - a transition form eka pada to dwi pada. The best I could do so far is to hold my left leg behind the neck for a couple of seconds without holding it with my hand. But the time will come, I truly believe...
Thank you for all your suggestions; they are always to the point and very relevant.

Skelly - Hi! :)


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